Friday, April 8, 2016

We Dig Giant Robots

I was one of many nerds whose heartrate spiked when I watched US-based company Megabots challenge the Japanese company Suidobashi Heavy Industry to a duel between their mechs, the Mark 2 and Kuratas. This past Sunday, Suidobashi's CEO responded to the challenge and agreed to fight. He upped the ante, however, by proposing that the mechs battle it out not only with ranged weapons, but in melee combat. Mark 2 and Kuratas are set to duel in approximately a year, although a time and place have not yet been set for their epic battle. Megabots and Suidobashi will both take this time to modify their mechas for combat. I know that I can hardly wait to see the gears fly! In my mind, the Mark 2 may be most likely to come out ahead in the duel. I don't just say that out of a sense of patriotic pride- Megabots, as a company, appears to be geared mainly towards building fighting robots, and it seems that they may have built the Mark 2 in response to Kuratas' unveiling in 2012. The Mark 2 also, currently, has bigger, faster guns, and its mesh screen allows its pilots a wider field of view. At 4.5 meters tall, it's also bigger than the 4-meter tall Kuratas. That said, the bigger they are, the harder they fall. All I know for sure is that I want one.

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